Several months ago I posted about how the definition of certain words are derogatory and mean, and often outdated.  (You can catch up on that post here.) I mentioned having an activity where students rewrite definitions for words they dislike or find hurtful. 

About a month ago I was actually able to impliment this activity and the results were impressive! For our weekly homeroom meeting, i tasked a group of 5th graders with creating new definitions for words they'd been called, had called others, or imagined would be hurtful to hear or say. In truth, this group of students get along unusually well with each other so getting them to come up with a hurtful word was the hardest. Once they got rolling though, some great things happened. 

Here is a video of the power point I made with just some of the results. Enjoy and please leave comments! I want to share this with others teachers at school and the more ideas the better :)

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